Cloud ERP FAQs

What is our ERP?

Our ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) system is what runs the University’s business of educating students. It provides the tools to run the financials, human resources, and student records and curriculum aspects of a university.  The current system’s name is Unit4 ERP (formerly Agresso).

  • For students, Records and Registration will be replaced with a modern mobile-friendly website where you manage your education.
  • For faculty, Records and Registration will be replaced as will Unit4 (Agresso) where you view your pay slips and where chairs and administrators look up student records.
  • For staff, Unit4 (Agresso) will be replaced which is where you view your pay slips and where advisors and administrators look up student records.

Who is deciding which product we will change to?

In the end, a recommendation will be brought by IT leadership (Scott Krajewski, AVP for IT and Chris Jacobsen, Director of Enterprise Solutions) and the Project Steering Committee to the President’s Leadership Team. That recommendation will be informed by community input in various forms – departmental meetings, open campus meetings, and surveys. A short list of 3 vendors will visit campus in the spring and will present demonstrations of their systems and meet with departments to learn about our needs.

This high level process outline visualizes the process.

What is the project timeline?

The project began in 2024 with the decision to move to a new ERP and the entire process will take through 2029 with distinct phases. This high level timeline visualizes the major project phases from start to finish. The timeline may be adjusted depending on the specifics of the selected vendor.

Why are we changing ERPs?

Our current ERP, Unit4, runs on campus and the vendor is moving all customers to their cloud. Additionally the student records module will be at end of life in 2026 and would need to be replaced. The benefits of having a modern comprehensive single ERP platform are worth the time and cost to move to a new solution.

What are the goals of this project?

There are three major goals of this project.

  • Simplify the information ecosystem to transform the student, faculty and staff information experience.
    • To improve our ability to support students, select a system to provide a unified view of the student which reduces the number of 3rd party systems needed.
    • To improve the student experience, select a system to modernize the student portal and enable rich self-service.
    • To improve our ability to enable student success, select a system to provide a rich data-driven view of the student’s engagement with Augsburg.
  • Grow as a sustainable university.
    • To build new organizational capacity to drive enrollment growth across programs, select a system to provide rich analytics to support decision-making.
    • To manage the cost of change, select a system that can replace the majority of the 3rd party systems in use.
    • To manage the financial health of the University, select a system that will enable tracking and forecasting of academic program expenses, margins, and profitability.
  • Modernize and rethink how we work.
    • To improve how we work and serve students, select a system that allows us to let go of the constraints of doing our work a certain way because we had to.
    • To improve how we work and serve students, use this project to examine and improve processes across Augsburg.
    • To foster the innovation of our staff and faculty, select a system that allows us to reimagine how we accomplish our daily work.