All Augsburg University laser printers and copier-printers are managed by a print accounting system. The print accounting system serves to track usage, educate people on how much they print, and standardize the print accounting for the University.
The goals of a print accounting system are to
- Reduce printing waste, to lessen the environmental impact
- Raise awareness, provide real-time data to help students, faculty and staff with their printing decisions
More details can be found at
- Student Print Quota FAQ
- Printing Policy
- Check your quota and personal print data online at
Faculty and Staff
Based on each person’s AugNet login, their printing will be charged to their respective department no matter which campus printer is used. The system more accurately reflects real use. Individuals can check their personal printing usage online at .
Student Workers
Some departments have their printer setup to account for all student worker printing done in the department space. In other cases, students who print for their job at work will see a pop-up window when they print where they can select whether the print job is for their department or for themsleves. If students do not see an option to charge their department they should tell their supervisor who will work with IT. Department budget managers are able to see a list of print jobs charged by student workers to the department.
Staff Who Are Also Students
To credit a department for any student-related printing, staff who are students can request a refund per print job online in their personal print history online at .
Monthly Departmental Charging Process
After the conclusion of a calendar month departmental cost centers will be charged for their total printing for the month at a cost of 3.5 cents per black & white impression and 10 cents per color impression. This per-impression charge is all-inclusive so supplies like toner and paper are not charged back to departments. Departments still order toner from cartridge care and paper form the copy center.
The total printing is calculated from the total pages printed by department members plus printing that was charged to the department printing account from sources like student workers. This total will show up in the budget reports as a line item similar to “October 2009 printing total – $1233.07.”
Budget managers may receive an automated report of monthly charges to their department’s printing account. These are pages charged by student workers or similar page transactions. These are not pages printed by department members. To setup an automated report email Once setup, the report will automatically be emailed monthly. The report lists charges and transaction comments but no personal print job information.
If a page charge was made incorrectly, the budget manager can request a refund by emailing noting the incorrect item and a refund will be applied within the printing system. This is essentially a credit on the following month’s page total.