Thank you to everyone who helped to make the 2019 “3 Days in May” a success! Below are materials provided by some of the workshop facilitators. (Other organizers who still want to share handouts/presentations from your sessions can send them to for posting.)
If you attended any of the “3 Days in May” workshops, please make sure to fill out the Evaluation Form.
Faculty Learning Technology Showcase
Photos from the Faculty Learning Technology Showcase
A Conversation with Directors of Pan-Afrikan Center, American Indian, Latinx and Pan-Asian Student Services
Jennifer Simon, Ruby Murillo, Hana Dinku, Hli Vang
Presentation from the “Conversation with Directors”
This session will be led by the 4 directors within Oyate’ Commons, also known as MSS. The focus of the session is to offer individuals an opportunity to learn more about (1) the history of the land Augsburg sits on; (2) graduation/retention rates of students of color and American in comparison to state and national statistics; and (3) ideas in how we can build relationships across MSS and academic departments to better serve our students. We encourage faculty to attend.
Supporting Student Writers through The Writing Center and WAC
Sarah Groeneveld Kenney and Jennifer Forsthoefel
Materials for the “Supporting Student Writers” Session
This session will explore two separate yet interconnected resources that can help faculty support student writers: The Writing Center and Writing Across the Curriculum. The first part of the session, led by Jenn Forsthoefel, will discuss ways for faculty to encourage their students to take advantage of the Writing Center and expectations faculty should have for the students that use the Writing Center. The second part, led by Sarah Groeneveld Kenney, will review some principles of Writing Across the Curriculum scholarship that can help instructors across the disciplines design more effective writing assignments and equitably assess student writing.
The Impact of Trauma on Learning and Cognition
Tamarah Gehlen
PowerPoint for “Impact of Trauma”
This session features information to help attendees understand the impact of chronic stress and traumatic experiences on learning and cognition. Attendees will learn simple ways to implement trauma-informed practices into their classrooms and teaching styles in order to enhance connection and learning for the students that they serve.
Build Your Own Classroom Adventure Using Library Resources
Hagfors 150 A
Ron Kurpiers
Presentation for “Build Your Own Classroom”
Advance your course objectives and save your students some money at the same time. This session presents some ideas and options for using library licensed electronic resources: journal articles, streaming videos, and e-books to extend your course objectives. Use some “flipped classroom” methods and save the students money as well!
Experiential Education: Strategies for Student Reflection
Hagfors 150 B/C
Green Bouzard and Elaine Eschenbacher
Materials for “Experiential Education” Workshop