Robert Cowgill, Professorof English, Excellence in Teaching
Bob Cowgill is a brilliant teacher who is held in high regard by his students and colleagues. A University of Minnesota alumnus, Bob’s primary purpose in teaching is to help students understand their full humanity, and to understand themselves as artists. He is recognized by his students for creating a classroom environment that is intellectually challenging, respectful, and fun. His colleagues marvel at his command of the art of teaching; his students never forget him and Augsburg would not be the same without him
Benjamin Stottrup, Assistant Professor of Physics, Distinguished Mentoring and Advising
There is a sense of pride among the students who work in Ben Stottrup’s physics lab that is palpable. They are working hard at a very high level because Ben creates a quality learning environment that is both challenging and supportive. He is recognized for his ability to effectively mentor both novice and skilled student researchers. An alumnus of the University of Minnesota-Morris and the University of Washington, Ben is dedicated to helping students realize their potential as they prepare for graduate school or industry.
Diane Pike, Professor of Sociology, Distinguished Academic Leadership
Diane Pike, former Director of the Center for Teaching and Learning, has made innumerable contributions to Augsburg College as teacher, scholar, and dedicated citizen. An alumna of Connecticut College and Yale University, Diane’s creative vision for faculty and staff development has enriched our campus community tremendously and shaped our understanding of the scholarship of teaching. Her leadership role in developing the Augsburg Core Curriculum stands out among her many accomplishments.
Frankie Shackelford, Professor of Languages and Cross-Cultural Studies, Distinguished Academic Leadership
Frankie Shackelford is best known to Augsburg’s newest faculty members as the co-leader, along with Bruce Reichenbach and Tom Morgan, of the two-year orientation seminar sponsored by the Center for Teaching and Learning and the Exploring Our Gifts program. She is a trusted coach and mentor to seminar participants. An alumna of Texas Christian University and the University of Texas, Frankie is known to the entire Augsburg community for her leadership of countless initiatives that have made a significant difference in the academic life of the college, including the First-Year Experience Program, Augsburg Seminar, Learning Communities, Faculty and Staff Development, and the Peace Prize Forum. She is an extraordinary teacher and scholar who personifies Augsburg’s motto, Education for Service.