
Workers Compensation

To the injured employee:

If you seek medical treatment for your injury, please give the following information to the hospital, clinic, or health care provider:

Travelers Indemnity Company of America
Claim Department, Worker’s Compensation Unit
P.O. Box 64907
St. Paul,  MN 55164-0907

Policy #:  TC2JUB 230T5559
Field Office name:      095 – Minneapolis, MN
Field Office phone number:   1-800-842-3073
Field Office fax number:        1-877-389-4682

OSHA Management Plans


Potential Bloodborne Pathogens Exposure

Exposure Control Plan for Bloodborne Pathogens (PDF)

Did the contact with blood OR other potentially infectious materials (OPIMs) include any of the following:

  1. Blood or OPIMs in your eyes, nose, or mouth
  2. Blood or OPIMs in contact with your broken skin (less than 24 hours old), including cuts or open skin rashes, or breaking of your skin in a bite
  3. Penetration of your skin by a blood or OPIM contaminated sharp (needle, lancet, glass, teeth, etc.)?

If you answered NO to ALL questions above, an exposure did not occur and medical attention for exposure to blood or OPIMs is not required. Other medical attention may still be appropriate.

If you answered yes to any of the questions please complete the Bloodborne Pathogens Incident Post-Exposure Packet

Post-Exposure Evaluation and Follow-up Protocol

  • The exposed employee immediately washes exposed area or flushes mucous membrane with water.
  • Human Resources is contacted if the incident occurs during their workday, whereas the supervisor is contacted if exposure incident occurs after normal business hours.
  • The exposure incident is documented, along with routes of entry and circumstances of exposure (see Exposure Incident Report Form in Post-Exposure Packet).
  • If the exposure was from a contaminated sharp, the incident is entered on the OSHA 300 Log and reported no later than ten working days after the end of the calendar month in which it occurred.
  • The source individual is identified (unless prohibited by law). This is done to determine HBV, HCV, or HIV status of the source.
  • The source individual’s blood is tested as soon as feasible, if consent from the source or source’s parent (if source is under 18 years of age) is obtained. If consent is not obtained, this is documented.
  • If the source individual is already known to be infected, status testing will not be repeated.
  • The exposed employee is informed of applicable laws and regulations concerning disclosure of the identity and infectious status of the source individual.
  • The exposed employee’s blood is collected as soon as feasible and tested after consent is obtained.
  • If the employee consents to baseline blood collection, but does not give consent for testing, samples are held for 90 days. In this time period, the employee may decide to have a blood sample tested.
  • The post-exposure evaluation/treatment provided by the healthcare professional is made available, including counseling and evaluation of reported illness by the healthcare professional.

HR Use Only: Send Hepatitis B Vaccination Election Form

Authorized Drivers

To drive Augsburg vehicles, employees must:

  • submit to an annual motor vehicle records background check (see Employee Handbook for disqualifying offenses)
  • complete a yearly training on defensive driving and van safety

Please contact to request authorization.

List of Authorized Drivers