Required Training

Training Login

Human Resources requires all staff and faculty to complete online training on three university workplace topics:  information security, the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), and discrimination & sexual harassment prevention.  Training in all three areas helps strengthen Augsburg as a workplace, helps protect the rights of students, faculty and staff, and responds to requirements from the Department of Education (under Title IV) and our insurance providers.

Employees with active positions will receive bi-weekly reminders of assigned trainings. The training can be accessed by logging into Inside Augsburg and clicking on Administrative Tasks > Training.  Employees have 60 days to complete the required training topics.

Staff should coordinate with their supervisor to identify times to complete the training during regular work hours.  Hourly staff may not schedule overtime to accommodate required training.

Adjunct Faculty: Per the Augsburg/SEIU Collective bargaining agreement section 19.4

Augsburg may require self-directed, asynchronous online training without compensation (including but not limited to Harassment and Discrimination Prevention, Title IX, FERPA and campus and workplace safety and security, Anti-Racism and DEIJ) as long as such requests do not exceed six hours per academic year. Faculty members will be given at least one month’s notice to complete such training, unless circumstances require completion of training under a shorter timeline.

Employees are required to complete information security training every year and other courses on even-numbered years, and new employees are assigned the courses within 90 days of their start date.

Authorized Drivers

  • List of Authorized Drivers
  • Employees are required to complete an annual motor vehicle records check and training on defensive driving and van safety to drive Augsburg vehicles.
  • A list of infractions that disqualify an individual from driving may be found in the Employee Handbook
  • Contact to add authorized drivers.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Is this message SPAM/Phishing? Training Invitation Sender: random characters
  • How often do I need to repeat the trainings?
    • Harassment/Discrimination Prevention: Every 24 months
    • FERPA: Every 12 Months
    • Information Security: Administered by IT
  • I completed the Prevent Harassment/Discrimination Non-Supervisor training in the past 24 months. Do I also need to complete the Supervisor training?
    • You do not need to complete an additional Preventing Harassment/Discrimination  training within the 24 month window.
      Contact to have your assignments updated.
  • I’m an adjunct/seasonal coach and haven’t received a training invitation yet. When will I be invited?
    • Currently, training is only assigned to employees with an active position. Adjunct faculty and seasonal employees will receive training invitations within a week of the start of their appointments and have 60 days to complete the trainings.
  • I’m a new employee – when will I be assigned the trainings?
    • New employees with Augsburg email addresses are added to the Vector training system as soon as their employee record is complete. If you do not receive the invitation within a week of your start date please contact the HR office.
  • I’m a student employee. Do I need to complete trainings?
    • Yes! Student employees are currently required to complete the FERPA training to ensure they know how to protect the privacy of student data they may encounter. Please coordinate with your supervisor to identify times to complete the training during regular work hours. 
  • I’m an hourly employee. Can I schedule overtime to complete trainings?
    • No. Staff should coordinate with their supervisor to identify times to complete the training during regular work hours.  Hourly staff may not schedule overtime to accommodate required training.
  • Are Community Partners required to complete the trainings?
    • No

Other Training Opportunities

Diversity and Inclusion Certificate Program

The Augsburg University Diversity and Inclusion Certificate Program is designed to help faculty and staff continue to grow in their intercultural competence and to build the awareness, knowledge, and skills necessary to create more inclusive campus spaces inside and outside the classroom.

Diversity and Inclusion Certificate Program workshops are offered before the start of school and throughout the academic year. To find and register for workshops, visit the Equity and Inclusion Initiatives Department Events Calendar at

Center for Teaching and Learning

The purpose of the Center for Teaching and Learning is to provide support and development opportunities to enable Augsburg faculty, staff, and leadership to co-create “an educational experience like no other.”

Programming is offered in Teaching and Learning, Scholarship, Inclusiveness, Leadership Development, and Community Building