Paid Time Off

Updated Policies: New Parent Leave, Personal days

Effective January 1, 2023, all regular full and part-time staff who are eligible for paid-time off benefits will now be eligible for six (6) weeks of paid leave upon the birth, adoption or newly placed foster child.

New Parent Leave. Regular staff with a .5 FTE or higher may receive a paid leave of absence of up to six (6) weeks in the first year of becoming a parent to a newborn, newly adopted, or newly placed foster child. When possible, the leave should be scheduled and approved in advance. The leave may be taken in up to two (2) time blocks that may not exceed six (6) weeks in total and is prorated to the staff member’s  FTE. The leave may be used any time within the first twelve (12) months of the date of birth or adoption or placement of a new foster child. This leave will be available to staff once they have completed probation.  Augsburg may agree to make this leave available before the end of an employee’s probation under extraordinary circumstances. New Parent Leave will run concurrently with FMLA leave and any other leave required by law. If a staff member is ineligible for or has exhausted FMLA leave, they still may receive New Parent Leave. This leave will supplement short-term disability (“STD”) when STD is applicable. No staff member may use STD for the birth of a child and take New Parent Leave at a later date.  Temporary staff are not eligible for New Parent Leave.

In addition, Augsburg staff will now be able to use up to five (5) days of their sick time for personal use each calendar year, increased from three (3) days.

For more information on paid time off please refer to the Employee Handbook.

Paid Time Off Entry in Timekeeping System

Civic Engagement and Community Service Time for Staff – Clarification for Employees

Because Augsburg University recognizes the importance of active citizenship and community involvement in building a just and sustainable society, paid time off for community service and civic engagement is offered to all regular full-time and regular part-time employees. By offering paid time off for such activities, Augsburg seeks to support its employees in pursuing their passions and interests outside of work, while also fostering a culture of service and social responsibility. 

Paid time off for community service must be requested using the Time Off Request tool within the University’s timekeeping system. Requests must include the name of the community organization and a brief description of their intended use for this time off. Requests will be reviewed by the employee’s supervisor. Approved requests are automatically recorded in the employee’s timesheet.

How to Submit a Time Off Request


Per the employee handbook all regular employees receive paid holidays pro-rated to their annual FTE.  Holidays entries on timecards are managed by Augsburg Payroll. Regular part-time employees will note that the holiday hours calculations are pro-rated to their annual FTE.

Exempt (salaried) employees receive their same biweekly pay regardless of the holiday hour calculations -the pro-ration is already factored in to the annual and biweekly pay rate. Though you may see a pro-rated number of hours shown for holidays exempt employees will still receive a normal day’s pay.

Part-time non-exempt (hourly) employees are encouraged to work with their supervisor to flex their schedules to achieve the desired number of hours for the week. They may also use other paid time off (vacation, floating holidays) to supplement pro-rated hours on holidays.

Vacation, Sick, Floating Holidays

When electing to use paid time off such as vacation, sick, and personal time employees should record the number of hours missed that would have normally been worked in ‘half-day’ increments.

Floating holidays should be taken as a full work day. Employees who work less than 12 months per year should contact if they were not granted two full days of floating holiday time off.

When recording a full day the employees should use the same number of hours of paid time off as they would normally have worked that day.

  • Employee A works 0.75 FTE, 30 hours per week, 12 months per year. A typical day is 6 hours.
  • Employee B works 0.75 FTE, 30 hours per week, 12 months per year. A typical schedule is 3 days, 10 hours each day.
  • Employee C works 0.75 FTE, 40 hours per week, 9 months per year. A typical day is 8 hours.