Use this form to add a new course to the curriculum, revise course learning outcomes/ Institutional Learning outcomes (ISLOs), change the course level, and change prerequisites. Any other course changes that alter learning outcomes must also use this form.
Click on the link to the Google form template to create a copy. Please rename your document with the relevant department, course number, and/or name of policy you wish to propose (ex: MUS100 Curricular Changes).
Curricular Revision/Course Proposal form – To propose a new course or substantially change to an existing course.
Required supplemental materials:
- The proposed course syllabus (it does not need to be specific to an instructor). Use the syllabus template from CTL. Please include a general course topic schedule.
- The current course syllabus (if this is an existing course)
Required signatures:
Please distribute your proposal to the following individuals and gather their signatures before submitting the proposal to AAC.
- Department Chair (must approve the proposal)
- Registrar (signature indicates that they reviewed the proposal)
- Director of General Education (if applicable – signature indicates that they reviewed the proposal)
- Dean of Arts or Professional Studies ((signature indicates that they reviewed the proposal)
Once your form is complete, please submit here —
NOTE: All supplemental materials should be emailed to Please add the proposed course prefix and number to the file name (ex,: MUS100 Syllabus).