The By-Laws to the Constitution of the Faculty of Augsburg College in the Faculty Handbook list the following Standing Committees of the Faculty and their subcommittees.
The President of the university and the Provost are ex-officio members of all standing committees of the faculty.
Faculty Senate Subcommittees
Subcommittee on Committees
- Rachel Bergman, Faculty Senate Representative
- Amy Larson, NSS, 2023-25
- Tara Mader, PS, 2023-25 (Chair)
- Kao Mou Moua, At-Large Representative (PS), 2024-26
- Iva Patel, HFA, 2024-26
Subcommittee on Compensation
- Jennifer Bankers-Fulbright, NSS, 2023-25
- Jeff Clement, At-Large 2024-26
- Dan Ibarra, HFA, 2024-26
- Won Young Kim, PS, 2023-25 (Chair)
- Erik Steinmetz, At Large, 2024-26
- Matt Haines, PPC Representative 2024-25
Subcommittee on EQUITY (1-year terms):
- Tony Clapp, At-Large Representative, 2024-25
- Darcey Engen, At-Large Representative, 2024-25
- Abby Hughes-Scalise (Faculty Senate Representative)
- Terrance Kwame-Ross (Faculty Senate Representative)
- Lindsay Starck (Faculty Senate Representative)
Subcommittee on FACULTY Personnel Policies
- Amanda Case, Faculty Senate Representative
- Matt Haines, At-Large, 2024-26 (Chair)
- Phyllis Kapetanakis, PS, 2024-25
- Jenna McNallie, HFA, 2024-26
- Andrew Aoki, NSS, 2024-2025
Academic Affairs Committee (AAC)
- David Crowe, NSS, 2023-25 * Fall 24 Sabbatical (Jason Tan-Arroyo will serve)
- Jacqui deVries, HFA, 2023-25 * Spring 25 Sabbatical
- Su Doree, At-Large Representative, 2024-25
- Jacob Enger, PS, 2023-25 (Co Chair)
- Dan Ibarra, HFA, 2024-25
- Katie Martin, At-Large Representative, 2024-26
- Kao Nou Moua, At-Large Representative, 2023-25
- Ana Ribeiro, PS, 2022-24 (Co Chair)
- Joe Underhill, NSS, 2024-26
- Student Representative appointed by the Student Senate
Advisory (non-voting) Members
- Elizabeth Johnson-Knapp, Assistant Registrar
- Kelsey Richardson Blackwell, Associate Dean of Advising, Registration & Student Success
- Representative of Student Affairs Office
- Representative of an International Program (chosen by the Provost)
- Representative from the Center for Meaningful Work
Admissions and Enrollment Committee
- Sarah Addicks, PS, 2024-25
- Tim Pippert, NSS, 2024-26
Additional Member
- Robert Gould, Vice President for Strategic Enrollment Management
Assessment Committee
- Nimanthi Atukoala, NSS, 2023-25
- Ben Denkinger, ex officio (Chair)
- Alex Fink, PS, 2024-25
- Patricia Hopkins-Smith, Graduate Programs Representative, 2024-26
- Taryn Marashi, HFA, 2024-26
- Katherine Martin, At-Large Representative, 2024-26
Additional Members
- Representative from the Center for Meaningful Work
- Student Representative appointed by the Student Senate
Committee on Tenure and Promotion (CTP)
- Joseph Erickson, PS, 2023-25 (Chair)
- Nancy Fischer, NSS 2024-25
- Evren Guler, At-Large Representative, 2023-25
- Jenny Hanson, HFA, 2024-26
- Jayoung Koo, PS, 2024-26
- Henry Yoon, NSS, 2024-26
- TBD, HFA, 2024-25
Advisory (non-voting) member
- Paula O’Loughlin, Provost and Senior Vice President
Faculty Development Committee (FDC)
- Moumita Dasgupta, NSS, 2024-26
- Robert Groven, Assistant Dean for Faculty Development (ex officio) (Chair)
- Rachel Lloyd, Director of the Center for Teaching and Learning (ex officio)
- Amy Nelson, PS, 2023-25
- Iva Patel, HFA, 2024-26
- David Matz, Associate Provost (ex officio)
Graduate Academic Affairs Committee (GAAC)
- Marcia Bennett, PsyD, 2023-25
- Katie Clark, MAN/DNP 2023-25
- Cory Erickson, MBA, 2024-26
- Juyoung Lee, MMT, 2024-26
- Audrey Lensmire, At-Large, 2023-25
- Ryane Lester, PA 2023-25
- Jason Lukasik, MAE/MAT, 2022-24 (on sabbatical Fall 2024, Audrey Lensmire will serve)
- Lindsay Stark, MFA, 2024-26
- Erin Sugrue, MSW, 2023-25 (Chair)
Advisory (non-voting) Members
- Dean of Professional Studies and Graduate Education
- Library Director
- Director of Graduate Recruitment
Institutional Review Board (IRB)
- Membership is appointed by the Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic and Student Affairs, not elected by the Faculty. See the IRB website.
- Joe Underhill, At-Large, 2024-25
Student STANDING Committee
- Ashley Baber, NSS, 2024-26
- Michael Kidd, HFA, 2024-26
- Tom Kelsey, Registrar (Chair)
Additional Voting Members
- Shonna Fulford, Director of Undergraduate Admissions
- Kelsey Richardson Blackwell, Senior Director of Advising & Registration
University Committee on Academic Planning (UCAP 3 yr. Terms)
- Jill Dawe, HFA, 2022-25
- George Dierberger, PS, 2024-2027 (Co Chair)
- Abby Hughes-Schalise, Faculty Senate Representative
- Paula O’Loughlin, Provost and Senior Vice President (Co Chair)
- John Zobitz, NSS, 2024-2026
- TBD, Graduate Council Representative
Additional Voting Members
- John Coskran, Senior Finance Director
- Robert Gould, Vice President for Strategic Enrollment Management
- Marketing and Communication representative
Faculty Representatives in University Council Resources Committee (UCRC)
- Marc Isaacson, Faculty Senate Appointee
- Keith Gilsdorf, Faculty Senate Appointee
Representatives in Board of Regents Committees
- Academic Affairs
- Advancement
- Enrollment Management and Marketing
- Student Affairs
- Finance
Faculty Representatives in University Council (4 yrs. terms)
- Margit Berman, 2021-25
Grad Council (Graduate Directors)
- Cory Erickson, MBA
- Abby Hughes-Scalise, PsyD
- Juyoung Lee, MMT
- Audrey Lensmire, MAE, MAT
- Kao Nou Moua, MSW
- Amy Nelson, MAN, DNP-T
- Danielle Skoglund, PA
- Lindsay Starck, MFA
- Michelle Ullery, DNP, FNP
Diversity and Inclusion Committee in University Committee
- Sarah Degner-Riveros, Faculty Senate Representative
Budget Working Group
- Lori Lohman, Faculty Senate Representative
- Representative from PPC
Additional Members
- John Coskran, Senior Finance Director
- Marah Jacobson, Associate Provost
- Paula O’Loughlin, Provost and Senior Vice President