About Us
The Dean of Students Office seeks to advocate for students at Augsburg University through creating a community of belonging, promoting student engagement and well-being, and providing equitable access to educational and social opportunities on campus. As an antiracist institution, Augsburg is committed to creating an environment by dismantling oppressive structures in order for students to thrive and engage in campus life as their whole selves.
What We Do
How can the Dean of Students Office help you? We can:
- Meet with students about concerns or issues they are facing with classes, residence halls, campus involvement, finances, family and social life, and much more.
- Work with students directly on emergency funding, obtaining flex points, getting textbooks/supplies, and navigating housing insecurity.
- Assist students, faculty, staff, parents/family, friends, or others with concerns they are having about an Augsburg student.
- Assist students in reporting conduct incidents, discrimination and bias, sexual misconduct, and concerns about interactions with faculty or staff, as well as guide students through those respective processes.
- Help students navigate Student Guide policies.
- Provide referrals to on-campus or community resources.
Campus Areas
The Dean of Students oversees the following areas. Click below for more information!
- Auggie Basics
- Campus Life
- Center for Wellness and Counseling
- Military and Veteran Services
- Public Safety
- Residence Life
- StepUP Program
Connecting With Us
To connect with our office, email deanofstudents@augsburg.edu or call 612-330-1160.