Faculty Annual Report Template
Faculty Annual Report Frequently Asked Questions
These instructions and the report template are based on Section 6 of the Augsburg University Faculty Handbook. Questions on the Handbook or this template may be directed to your Department Chair or your School Director.
- Reports for all appointment categories are due May 15th.
- This report is required annually for pre-tenure faculty, except in years when third and sixth year tenure reviews are conducted.
- This report is required biennially for tenured faculty, except in years when post-tenure review or promotion to full professor reviews are conducted. Faculty granted final approval for tenure by the Board of Regents in even-numbered years shall submit their report in even-numbered years; faculty granted final approval for tenure by the Board of Regents in odd-numbered years shall submit their report in odd-numbered years. This refers to the date on which the full Board of Regents granted approval of tenure.
- For fixed term and special appointment non-tenure track faculty, this report would be required annually for those in the first six years and biennially thereafter.
- Adjunct faculty are not required to complete this report. Adjunct faculty are reviewed through the performance evaluation review process as specified in the collective bargaining agreement.
- When you have completed this report, please share/email the document to your department chair(s) and/or program director(s), and include an updated copy of your institutional CV, as described in section 6.4.3 of the Faculty Handbook. Please put the items in your CV that are new this year in bold.
- Feedback from chairs/directors is encouraged to be meaningful yet concise, and the amount of feedback may vary greatly between faculty on a case by case basis.
Department Annual Report Template
After reviewing individual faculty annual reports, and in consultation with the department’s graduate program director or area coordinators (as applicable), the Department Chair or Program Director prepares the Annual Report. Chairs should consider all programs housed in the academic department (e.g. undergraduate, graduate, AU, Rochester), all instructional modalities (face-to-face, blended, low-residency, and online). Program Directors who oversee an independent academic unit that is not housed in an academic department should submit a separate report, following these guidelines but adapting them as appropriate to the program.
Chairs submit this report to their school director, with a copy to KC Gubrud (gubrud@augsburg.edu) in the Office of Academic Affairs, on or before October 8. To support the creation of these reports, chairs and program directors should login and review the data related to their programs in APS. Instructions for completing the APS worksheet may be found here: APS Review Guide. The completed worksheet should be submitted with the annual department report. Any questions on using APS or the data can be addressed with Marah Jacobson, Associate Provost for Academic Administration (jacobsm@augsburg.edu), or David Matz, Associate Provost for Academic Affairs (matz@augsburg.edu). Other data may be found on Inside Augsburg under University Reports or by contacting Katy Hahn, Director of Institutional Research and Effectiveness (hahn@augsburg.edu).
Departmental Assessment Report – See Assessment site
Department and program assessment reports are due in the fall semester, reporting on the preceding academic year. Completed reports should be emailed to the Assistant Dean of Assessment & Academic Analytics.