Course Change / Classroom Change Request Form – for requesting changes to the class schedule on Records & Registration. Managed by Academic Affairs.
Classroom Issues Form – for reporting issues with resources that impact teaching and learning (e.g., technology, furniture, whiteboard supplies). Managed by IT.
Course Changes vs. Course Revisions
Course changes are coordinated by Academic Affairs with Department Chairs/Program Directors. They encompass anything specific to a course offering as posted on Records and Registration: number and size of sections, time, classroom, instructor, etc.
A course revision must be approved by the Academic Affairs Committee (AAC) before it is reflected on Records and Registration. Revisions include change in course code, title, course description, prerequisites, delivery (face-to-face, hybrid, or online), and core curriculum component. See the AAC Course Proposal webpage for more information.
Course Scheduling
Course scheduling is coordinated by the Registrar’s Office with Department Chairs and Program Directors. An upcoming academic year’s course schedule goes live on Records & Registration by March 1st of the preceding year.
Events Scheduling
Schedule a Room – for any room request that would not appear on Records and Registration
View Room Schedules and Availability