Learning Outcomes and Syllabi Statements

General Education Faculty/Staff Resource

Liberal Arts Foundation

Social Sciences LAF
Humanities LAF
Natural Sciences and Math LAF
Fine Arts LAF

Signature Curriculum

Augsburg Seminar
Engaging Minneapolis
Search for Meaning I (RLN 100)
Search for Meaning II
Augsburg Experience

Core Skills

Effective Writing (ENL 111)
Modern Language (Two-course sequence)
Health and Wellness

Skills for Career and Life

Introduced in the Core Curriculum, refined in the Major, and regularly assessed. 

Below are quick descriptions of the outcomes for graduation skills (removed from General Education and embedded in Major requirements in 2008). Further information about teaching these skills can be found on the General Education Moodle site and the Writing Across the Curriculum website.

Syllabus Template

The CTL webpage Course Syllabi offers a checklist of requirements and best practices as well as a syllabus template developed by Augsburg faculty.