
You must be logged in to Inside Augsburg to see the embedded calendars below. Click on the + Google calendar button on the lower right to add any of the following calendars to your Google account (you will be able to choose which ones to add). Once you have added a shared calendar to your Google account, you may select and deselect any calendar on the left side under “Other Calendars.” To add an event to your personal calendar, click on the event and click “copy to my calendar” in the pop-up.

Faculty Committee Meetings

The Faculty Committee Dates calendar contains various committee dates relevant to Augsburg faculty.


Academic Affairs Dates

The Academic Affairs Dates calendar provides dates and deadlines primarily for department chairs and program directors. It is only available to faculty and staff.

Registrar, et cetera (Calendar – Academic)

The embedded calendars below display several different calendars, noted by different colors. Each bulleted list names the calendars that appear in the embedded object.  You may also click on the small arrow in the upper right of each embedded calendar to select which calendars to display.

  • Registrar’s Office Calendar (aka “Calendar – Academic”) contains academic term start/end dates, registration deadlines, and grade submission deadlines
  • Book Order Deadlines
  • Procurement Card Cycle

Faculty Tenure, Promotion, and Review Timelines

These dates are pulled directly from Sections 6.2.3 and 6.12.1 from the Faculty Handbook. Click the “+ Google Calendar” button in the lower right of the calendar below to add one or more of these calendars to your personal Google calendar.

For tenure-track faculty:

For non-tenure-track faculty:


2023-2024 Academic Affairs Important Dates CALENDAR