IRB Email:
What We Do
The Augsburg University Institutional Review Board (IRB) exists as a safeguard to promote ethical and responsible treatment of human subjects/participants in research. Augsburg University and federal policies require that each project involving studies with human subjects be reviewed to consider:
- The rights and welfare of the subjects involved,
- The appropriateness of methods used to secure informed consent, and
- The balance of risks and potential benefits of the investigation.
The ultimate responsibility for treatment of human research subjects rests with the researcher and with Augsburg University. Researcher’s informed and enthusiastic participation in this process helps to ensure a positive, ethical, and responsible climate for scholarly research at Augsburg University.
The Augsburg University Institutional Review Board has registered with the United States Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). In addition, the Augsburg IRB has been approved by the Office of Human Research Protections of HHS. Augsburg has received federal wide assurance indicating our compliance with terms of the Office for Human Research Protections terms and guidelines.
Education: It is expected that all research investigators will read all material on the IRB website and fully complete the application for IRB approval. The IRB will provide IRB members and research investigators with more information regarding the protection of human subjects upon request.
Guidelines for submission: Send an electronic copy of proposal to
IRB members for 2024-2025:
Chair IRB: Matt Beckman, Associate Professor, Biology
Vanessa Bester, Assistant Professor, Physician Assistant Studies Program
Anthony Clapp, Associate Professor, Health, Physical Education, and Exercise Science
Henry Yoon, Associate Professor, Psychology
Kao Nou Moua, Assistant Professor, Social Work
Hermann Weinlick (Community Member)
Andy Aoki, Professor, Political Science (Alternate Member)