The site team may include teachers, a site coordinator, administration, and coach coordinator. Each person involved has an important perspective and role in evaluating Public Achievement at the end of the year. Taking time to evaluate and reflect upon Public Achievement can go a long way toward improving Public Achievement in the future. Because the work of the coach coordinator involves important, day to day work with the coaches, it is important to specifically evaluate this aspect of Public Achievement. This section of the Evaluation Toolkit contains tools for the coach coordinator and for the site team as a whole.
Evaluation Tools for the Coach Coordinator
The tools below are from the curriculum, “Democracy in the Classroom.” They were designed for evaluation of the teacher but can be easily modified for coach evaluation.
Coach Survey
This tool is for student evaluation of the teacher and Public Achievement. Students are asked to respond to seven questions. This could be easily modified for coach evaluation.
Coach Survey Grid
This tool can be used by students to evaluate the coach. It is a grid format with a Likert scale.