■ Aspiring Educators News: News you can use from Augsburg Aspiring Educators!
Augsburg’s Aspiring Educators will prepare for Lobby Day at the Minnesota Legislature on February 13th from 4:30-5:30 pm by creating signs, learning what to expect on the 20th, and receiving lobbying information for this year. Last year, our sign event was my favorite and I’m so excited to do it again! Please join us in advocating for our teachers! Register with Auggie Life or drop by in Sverdrup room 2!
Lobby Day takes place at the capitol in Saint Paul, MN on February 20th, 2025
EMAE Spring Conference: The Aspiring Educators Spring Conference on March 28-29, 2025. To attend, you must be a current AE member. Register before March 15th to attend the Spring Conference. See the contact information below if you have questions about applying. Register before March 15th to attend the Spring Conference.
Augsburg Aspiring Educators T-shirts: Buy a T-shirt! The graphic is above! They will be at the Lobby Day prep event for 15 dollars. It’s a great way to promote the union and all the money goes to our future events and advocacy.
Self-care Resources: The Center of Wellness and Counseling (CWC) provides short-term, confidential, strengths-based counseling, from a stance of cultural humility which seeks to honor each student’s goals, cultural background, and identities.
To schedule a counseling appointment: Call CWC at 612-330-1707 or send an email to <cwc@augsburg.edu> (please include the times you are available during weekdays for an appointment) or stop by and visit to schedule at the front desk (Anderson Residence Hall, 1st Floor, near the East door). Office hours are 8 am to noon and 1 pm-4:30 pm Monday through Friday.
Follow AAE on Instagram at @augsburgaspiringeducators
If you have any questions or concerns, please email <hansenll@augsburg.edu>.
■ Minnesota Private Colleges Career Fair: The MNPC Spring Job and Internship Fair is scheduled for Wednesday, February 19, 2025. Time:9am – 2pm. Location:Minneapolis Convention Center. Visit the Strommen Center for more information.
■ Free Teaching and Classroom Materials: Recently retired educational therapist and Auggie parent, Tyler Sack, is seeking a new home for her collection of resources for elementary math and reading, including books, supplemental teaching materials, games, and manipulatives in very good condition–free to future teachers. If you can utilize these resources for your classroom, please email: <tylertheet@gmail.com>.
■ Summer Camp Internship Opportunity: Clemson University’s Learning Institute operates a 4-H Camp each summer. They are recruiting university students for the counselor positions at the camp. The camp takes place at Camp Bob Cooper in Summerton, South Carolina on Lake Marion. Staff will report to camp in mid-May and work until early August. Counselors will be working with youth ranging in age from 8-14. These staff positions can count toward internships and are paid. All training and certifications for staff are provided. To apply, you will need to send your resume to: <mg5@clemson.edu>.
■ Join the Augsburg University Education Department group on Facebook and Instagram and connect with other students and faculty, past and present.
- Go to <http://www.facebook.com>
- Login or Sign up, then log in
- Search for “Augsburg University Education Department”
- Click on the group
- Click “Join Group” in the list of options to the right.
Instagram page: @augsburgeducationdepartment
■ Field Experience and Student Teaching Placement Information:
- For questions about Field Experience and Student Teaching Placement, contact the Education Placement Coordinator, Maria Shelton, <shelton2@augsburg.edu>.
- For questions about Student Teaching, contact the Clinical Experience and Partnership Coordinator, Tiffany Moore, <mooret2@augsburg.edu>.
- For questions about Anthology Portfolio, contact the Education Department Unit Leader, Erin Moore, <mooree2@augsburg.edu>.
Clinical Experience Team Office Hours:
The Clinical Experience Team is offering regular virtual office hours. Members of the Clinical Experience Team will be available to answer questions about program requirements, field experience, student teaching, licensure, Anthology Portfolio, and other Education Department questions. Visit the Education Department Calendar <https://sites.augsburg.edu/edstudents/education-department-calendar/> for more information on times and links to the office hours sessions.
Submitting news to Augsburg:
- To the Education Department Newsletter: Send your news to Joseph Erickson at C.B. 312 or erickson-AT-augsburg.edu.
- To the Augsburg Now published by the Augsburg University Office of Public Relations and Communication: Send your news to C.B. 145 or now@augsburg.edu.
- To the daily A-Mail electronic newsletter: Go to AugNet Home Page and login. Then click on the “Submit News and Announcements” link.
Connecting with Alumni and Friends:
Augsburg University provides several ways to stay connected with alumni and friends. Here are some links to get you started:
- Alumni Information Update: Submit news and contact information changes to the university’s Alumni Office.
- TC2 New Teachers’ Blog