2021 Outstanding Staff Recipients

The winners of the 2021 Outstanding Staff awards are:

Outstanding Newcomer Award:
Kate Gray, Strommen Center

Outstanding Staff Awards:
Beth Carlson,
Center for Wellness and Counseling
Babette Chatman,
Campus Ministry
Mike Fetting,
Student Affairs
Jack Hein,
Denielle Stepka,
Marketing & Communication


Staff Senate thanks all of the nominators for their work in gathering nominees and recommendations. We also thank those who were nominated and recognize the great work that all staff have exhibited to be nominated by their peers.

You can view the presentation here

Spring 2021 Elections

Augsburg University Staff Senate has two important elections this spring: We are currently taking nominations for Staff Senate and University Council Staff Representatives.

Staff Senate 

Staff Senate is accepting nominations for four open seats.

To nominate someone to serve on Staff Senate, or to nominate yourself, please fill out this form by clicking on this link. The nomination deadline is 5 p.m on April 9.

Staff Senate Membership

Augsburg University Staff Senate is composed of six members who are nominated and elected by their peers for a two-year term and two at-large members to be chosen, in every instance, by Staff Senate. All Staff Senate members have the option to serve a third year.

Election Procedures

Nomination Rights: Nominations are collected through the online form. An online survey will be distributed for the election of the two open positions. Composition of Staff Senate: It is recommended that members be at least .75 FTE, regardless of exempt or non-exempt status.

University Council Staff Representatives

There is one staff representative position being filled at this time. For an overview of the full process, see the University Council page.

Staff may nominate other eligible staff or self-nominate for either Staff Senate or University Council using this nomination form.

Nomination deadline for both Staff Senate and University Council is April 9, 2021.

Please email staffsenate@augsburg.edu with questions. 

2020 Staff Senate Election

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Staff Senate has two open seats and now is the time to fill them.

Augsburg University’s Staff Senate is composed of six members who are nominated and elected by their peers for a two-year term, as well as two additional at-large members appointed by Staff Senate. All members have the option to serve a third year. The senators serve Augsburg University and its staff by providing a forum to foster and promote a positive and meaningful dialogue among staff, faculty, students and administration by advising in decision making processes, by serving as an advocate for staff, by promoting professional development opportunities, and by recognition of staff’s contributions to furthering and upholding the mission and values of Augsburg University. You can learn more about the Staff Senate on our webpage.

Check your email for the link, review the list of nominees, and vote for two candidates you would like to see on the Staff Senate.

The deadline for voting is 5:00 pm on Friday, October 9th.

Staff Senate 20-21 Elections

Posted on Categories Uncategorized


Welcome to the 2020-2021 academic year!

Staff Senate is accepting nominations for two open seats.

To nominate someone to serve on Staff Senate, or to nominate yourself, please fill out this form by clicking on this link. The nomination deadline is 5 p.m on September 25.

Augsburg staff will be able to vote for Staff Senate nominees from October 2 to October 9.

The winners will be announced by October 21.

Staff Senate Membership

Augsburg University Staff Senate is composed of six members who are nominated and elected by their peers for a two-year term and two at-large members to be chosen, in every instance, by Staff Senate. All Staff Senate members have the option to serve a third year.

Election Procedures

Nomination Rights: Nominations are collected through the online form. An online survey will be distributed for the election of the two open positions. Composition of Staff Senate: It is recommended that members be at least .75 FTE, regardless of exempt or non-exempt status.

Any questions please contact us at staffsenate@augsburg.edu

2020 Outstanding Staff Award Recipients

The winners of the 2020 Outstanding Staff awards are:

Outstanding Newcomer Award:
Max Poessnecker
, LGBTQIA+ Student Services and Equity & Inclusion Initiatives

Outstanding Staff Awards:
Hana Dinku
, Pan-Afrikan Center
Lonna Field, Christensen Center for Vocation
Eric Graham, Facilities
Allyson Green, Sabo Center
Marah Jacobson-Schulte, Provost’s Office

Staff Senate thanks all of the nominators for their work in gathering nominees and recommendation letters. We also thank those who were nominated and recognize the great work that all staff have exhibited to be nominated by their peers.

You can view the slideshow here