

Glossary of Terms

CITI Responsible Conduct of Research Training  – select “Login through my organization”

Institutional Review Board

Uniform Guidance, 2 CFR 200  (Code of Federal Regulations for Grants and Agreements)

Proposal Development Resources

Logic Model tips (from NSF’s EvaluATE)

Theory of Change planning tools (from Annie E. Casey Foundation)

Gantt chart creator – Visual display of multiple tasks and timelines.

National Science Foundation’s Proposal and Award Policies and Procedures Guide (as of 10/2021)

National Institutes of Health’s Application Guide (as of 3/2020)

Proposal Submission Procedures

Everyone preparing to submit a grant must:

If the grant involves research of any kind, you must also complete the Responsible Conduct of Research course through CITI.

Grant Management (Post-Award)

Financial Conflict of Interest Policy

Purchasing Policy and Procedures 

Protocol for Fraud, Misconduct, and Harassment

Spending & Commitment Authorization Policy 

Travel and Expense Policy

General Services Administration – Standard rates for reimbursement for travel and meals.


Grant Funding & Management Research Guide

Grant Forward – Funding opportunity database. – Source for new federal funding opportunities and submission portal.