Dr. David Hanson, Assistant Professor of Chemistry, is collaborating with Dr. Jeffrey Pierce at Colorado State University to develop computer models that will improve the representation of growth rates of newly formed atmospheric particulate matter. This research, “Collaborative Project: Contributions of Organic Compounds to the Growth of Freshly Nucleated Atmospheric Nanoparticles” is made possible by a $485,434 grant through the Department of Energy (Award # DE-SC0011780).
By synthesizing research data from new laboratory experiments as well past observations, the research team will establish an understanding of the mechanisms of nanoparticle growth due to organic compounds and a semi-empirical representation for size-resolved growth rates. These results will then be integrated to regional and climate models to assess the role of new particle formation on climate.
Over the next three years, the college will receive $79,705 to support Dr. Hanson’s research activities. Additionally, this project will provide hands on research training for an undergraduate student.
If you would like to learn more about Dr. Hanson’s research, please visit https://web.augsburg.edu/~hansondr/ or contact him at hansondr@augsburg.edu
Acknowledgement: This material is based on work supported by the Department of Energy under award number DE-SC0011780.
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