Online Ordering

Business Cards, Personalized Letterhead, and Name Badges

The order sites for Name Badges (Wendell’s) and Business Cards (Loffler), Personalized Letterhead (Creative Graphics) are available for your orders.  Click below to get to the sites (note the site logins are different than your Augsburg login).  Place orders whenever you want.  Orders are accumulated and approved every other Wednesday.  Name badges and business cards typically arrive in 7-10 days after the batch is sent; letterhead orders can take a little longer.

Business cards: Please make sure to double check the final PDF created as that is what will be printed.  There is a slight difference in spacing between the preview and the final PDF.

Please do not leave unfinished orders in the cart all Augsburg uses the same cart.  You may find your order deleted.  Please email the Copy Center ( if you have any questions.

Order business cards, personalized letterhead and name badges

Personalized Envelopes

To order personalized envelopes contact the Copy Center via phone or email. Heinrich Envelopes no longer has an online ordering site so all orders will be emailed, we will then get a proof, estimated turn around time, and job quote before the order is processed.

General Letterhead, Envelopes and Bulk Special Paper

Visit the Copy Request System to order general Augsburg letterhead, general Augsburg envelopes, and/or bulk special paper.  If you do not see what you are looking for please contact the Copy Center and we can work to get what you need.

If you have any questions on any of the above call the Copy Center at 612-330-1054 or x1054 or email at