You may easily send mail from one department to another on campus. Simply use an inter-campus mail envelope (reuse it until all the lines are filled), cross off the last name in the column and write the name and department of the person to whom you are mailing (campus box too if you know it). OR fold and staple sheets in half and clearly mark to whom the sheets should be sent. You can get this intercampus mail on its way in one of three ways:
- Drop it in one of two collection boxes in Christensen Center (main floor by the Incoming Mailroom and lower level by the vending machines) by 12 PM. It will be distributed to the campus box or delivered the next day.
- Place it in an outgoing mail tray in your department, if you are on the regular mail run, to be picked up when your incoming mail is delivered.
- Drop it in the Mail Slot below the Staff/Faculty campus boxes.