Please join the Staff Senate in congratulating the recipients of the Auggie Pride Award for the month of January.
Beth Carlson, assistant director of the Center for Counseling and Health Promotions
Nomination: “Beth has been going above and beyond to help our students who are struggling with big challenges in their lives, including some students in real crisis. This takes a huge effort to support them, get them connected with the necessary services, medical attention, and sometimes housing and financial assistance. This all goes on below the radar screen because of the needs for privacy and confidentiality, but is sometimes literally keeping these students alive. Beth has been working long hours, even when she is sick, to help members of our community who are most in need. Kudos to Beth!”
Jesse Haas, Recruitment and Promotions Coordinator, Center for Global Education
Nomination: “I have had the pleasure of working with Jesse Haas, recruitment and promotions coordinator, on CGE marketing materials every summer for the past few years and am always amazed at how organized and thoughtful she is about each and every piece. She manages 8-10 large marketing projects each summer, 3 issues of Global News and Notes annually, and many ads and smaller projects in between. I can’t remember a time when Jesse has missed a deadline, and she is always keeping me apprised of changes to current projects. However, where Jesse goes above and beyond is in her collaborative nature, always willing to share her knowledge of study abroad marketing and work with others to figure out the best way to reach CGE’s student base. She is a true team player and a joy to have as a colleague.”
The Auggie Pride Incentive Program comes out of Staff Senate’s desire to recognize outstanding staff on a more regular basis (monthly), and tap the collective mind power for great ideas. If you would like to nominate someone or have a suggestion, please go to Auggie Pride submission form or email