
Please watch this video to hear why we think the Vocation Portfolio is important for you to complete.

Your Vocation Portfolio will increase in meaning and usefulness in proportion to the time you put into creating it and managing it. This is intended to be a tool that will help you capture and reflect upon key learning experiences in and beyond the classroom during your time at Augsburg. We want it to be a useful tool for you, so feel free to be creative and expressive in the way you design it.

Some of you will encounter to Vocation Portfolio for the first time during AugSem. Others will encounter it for the first time elsewhere. Regardless, you will have multiple opportunities throughout your time at Augsburg to add to and revise your Vocation Portfolio.

For Students Using the Vocation Portfolio in AugSem

If you are creating a Vocation Portfolio as part of your AugSem experience, then this section will guide you through the steps. There are four steps you will need to complete for your Vocation Portfolio during AugSem. Your AugSem instructor will give you further instructions and due dates.

1. Choose a Platform

Students can use any web platform to create their Vocation Portfolio. The best platforms encourage engagement, both by the creator and by the observer. The student should be able to share their Vocation Portfolio first with faculty and staff during the development process and then publicly linked to other platforms (such as LinkedIn) when displaying work and growth and/or applying for jobs or graduate school. It is completely up to the student to decide which platform to use. We have found Weebly and Google Sites to be the most user friendly.

Platform Options Platform Websites to Get Started
Google Sites In your Augsburg google drive account, choose “New” > “Google Sites” and begin creating. You need to “Publish” the site to be able to share it. 
Adobe Portfolio 

2. Set up your Vocation Portfolio

You already know what a good website looks like, so work on making your Vocation Portfolio look nice. Customize to your personality and taste. You will want to start with three main pages or tabs: Home, My Journey, Vocation. You can see some examples here. On your homepage, be sure to include:

  • Headshot: A nice picture of you from the shoulders up. This should be a picture that makes you proud. If you don’t already have a good profile picture, ask a friend to take one for you.
  • Bio: Share however much you’d like to share about who you are – name, pronouns, hometown, major, hobbies, interests, special talents, etc.

3. Upload Your Journey Map

You will complete a Journey Map assignment in the first few weeks of AugSem. Once that assignment is complete, upload it to your Vocation Portfolio so it appears under your “My Journey” tab. This will tell the story of how you ended up where you are right now and will serve as a place where you can return and reflect on how your Augsburg experience continues that journey.

4. Upload Your Definition of Vocation (from RLN100)

You will complete a Definition of Vocation assignment in RLN100 either during the Fall semester when you are enrolled in AugSem or during the Spring semester after you’ve completed AugSem. Once your Definition of Vocation assignment is complete, upload it to your Vocation Portfolio so it appears under your “Vocation” tab. This will be a place where you can continue to revisit and revise your understanding of vocation throughout your time at Augsburg.

For Students Using the Vocation Portfolio Outside AugSem

If you are being asked to create a Vocation Portfolio somewhere other than in an AugSem, then this section will guide you through the steps. You are either a student who has (1) already started a Vocation Portfolio in AugSem, (2) already started a Vocation Portfolio in a class other than AugSem, or (3) already taking AugSem and has never started a Vocation Portfolio.

I’ve already started a Vocation Portfolio in my AugSem

If you have already created a Vocation Portfolio during your AugSem using the four steps listed above, then you will complete the following steps this time around.

  1. At the beginning of the semester, review and revise what is already posted on your Vocation Portfolio. Consider the following:
    • Update the look of your Vocation Portfolio.
    • Update your bio and headshot/ profile picture.
    • Revise your Journey Map so it is up to date and includes important recent events.
    • Revise your Definition of Vocation so it reflects your current understanding.
  2. Complete your Mid-Point Reflection Exercise. The instructor who is requiring you to work on your Vocation Portfolio will assign you a reflection exercise to be completed halfway through your learning experience.
  3. Complete your Final Reflection Exercise. The instructor who is requiring you to work on your Vocation Portfolio will assign you a reflection exercise to be completed at the end of your learning experience.

I’ve already started a Vocation Portfolio in a class other than AugSem

If you already have a Vocation Portfolio that you created during a class other than AugSem, then you may not have created it using the four steps outlined above. Therefore, you will need to do a little work to get your Vocation Portfolio up to speed. Please use the following steps this time around, completing steps 1-4 at the beginning of the semester.

  1. You may have started your Vocation Portfolio using Canvas/ Portfolium. You can continue to use that platform, or you can switch to one of the other platforms listed above.
  2. Customize your Vocation Portfolio to your personality and taste. Make sure you have at least these three main pages or tabs: Home, My Journey, Vocation. On your homepage, be sure to include:
    • Headshot: A nice picture of you from the shoulders up. This should be a picture that makes you proud. If you don’t already have a good profile picture, ask a friend to take one for you.
    • Bio: Share however much you’d like to share about who you are – name, pronouns, hometown, major, hobbies, interests, special talents, etc.
  3. Complete your Journey Map and upload it to your Vocation Portfolio so it appears under your “My Journey” tab. This will tell the story of how you ended up where you are right now and will serve as a place where you can return and reflect on how your Augsburg experience continues that journey.
  4. Complete your Definition of Vocation and upload it to your Vocation Portfolio so it appears under your “Vocation” tab. This will be a place where you can continue to revisit and revise your understanding of vocation throughout your time at Augsburg.
  5. Complete your Mid-Point Reflection Exercise. The instructor who is requiring you to work on your Vocation Portfolio will assign you a reflection exercise to be completed halfway through your learning experience.
  6. Complete your Final Reflection Exercise. The instructor who is requiring you to work on your Vocation Portfolio will assign you a reflection exercise to be completed at the end of your learning experience.

I’ve already taken AugSem but have not started a Vocation Portfolio

You are brand new to the Vocation Portfolio! You will complete the following steps over the course of the learning experience in which a Vocation Portfolio is assigned.

  1. Choose a Platform by reviewing “1. Choose a Platform” listed above.
  2. Set up your Vocation Portfolio by reviewing “2. Set Up Your Vocation Portfolio” listed above.
  3. Complete your Journey Map and upload it to your Vocation Portfolio so it appears under your “My Journey” tab. This will tell the story of how you ended up where you are right now and will serve as a place where you can return and reflect on how your Augsburg experience continues that journey.
  4. Complete your Definition of Vocation and upload it to your Vocation Portfolio so it appears under your “Vocation” tab. This will be a place where you can continue to revisit and revise your understanding of vocation throughout your time at Augsburg.
  5. Complete your Mid-Point Reflection Exercise. The instructor who is requiring you to work on your Vocation Portfolio will assign you a reflection exercise to be completed halfway through your learning experience.
  6. Complete your Final Reflection Exercise. The instructor who is requiring you to work on your Vocation Portfolio will assign you a reflection exercise to be completed at the end of your learning experience.