Carpools & Vanpools

How to organize a carpool for Augsburg – Minneapolis

For help in finding others to carpool, we recommend using

  • Create your profile on line.

Select “Augsburg” as the organization, or see who else from where you live is coming to Cedar-Riverside. You may also find someone to carpool with who attend the U of Minn, or works at University of Minnesota Fairview Riverside hospital.

  • Contact Transportation Coaches Nicole Peterlin in Human Resources or Ann Garvey in Student Affairs for assistance.

Carpools at Augsburg – Minneapolis

Permit prices vary based on type of members (students, employees) in the group. The cost of one permit is split by total number of those in carpool group, and the minimum is two.  Drivers share one permit hang tag.

To be eligible, there must be 2 Augsburg community members as drivers, and you must carpool at least 3 days each week during the academic year.

Once you have your carpool group:

  1. To request a carpool permit, please contact Once an e–mail is received, the sender will receive an e–mail response and permit instructions within 2 business days.
  2. Carpools must register with Metro Transit in order to be eligible for an Augsburg carpool spot.
  3. People in carpools registered through Metro Transit are eligible for the Guaranteed Ride Home program.

Metro Transit Vanpools

Metro Transit Vanpool Website

If you have a long commute and no regular bus or train service nearby, joining a vanpool may be your best option. You can’t beat the savings and relaxation!

Metro Vanpool is a regional program, subsidized by the Metropolitan Council, to help meet the commuting needs of commuters that reside or work in the seven-county metropolitan area. Vanpools have five to 15 people sharing the ride to and from work an average of three or more days a week. Each van has a volunteer driver and back-up driver(s).

Why vanpool?    

  • Dramatically reduced commuting costs 
  • Reduced commute-related stress
  • Shorter commute times
  • Multiple vehicle choices to commute in
  • Help reduce greenhouse gases
  • Commuter Tax Benefit

How to qualify

Participants must live or work in one of these counties: Anoka, Carver, Dakota, Hennepin, Ramsey, Scott or Washington.     Vans must carry a minimum of five people (including the driver) who share the ride at least three days a week.

Vanpool routes must not duplicate regular bus routes, light rail or Northstar Line service. Subsidies are not available for vanpools traveling to or from downtown St. Paul or downtown Minneapolis for the following work schedules: 7-8:30 a.m. arrival and 3:30-5:30 p.m. departure.

To be eligible to lease a van, prospective drivers must:

  • Be 21 years old or older
  • Possess a valid driver’s license in their state of residence 
  • Have a good driving record and permit Rideshare by Enterprise to review their record
  • Have a good credit rating

Vanpool costs

Funding from the Metropolitan Council helps subsidize the overall cost of leasing a Metro Vanpool van, making it even more affordable. The average cost is $110 per month for each participant.

Note: Metro Vanpools that operate exclusively within the seven-county metropolitan area receive a 55 percent subsidy on the van lease. Metro Vanpools that start or are traveling to locations outside the seven-county metropolitan area receive a 50 percent subsidy on the van lease.