Current Status
Augsburg’s 14-day on-campus student case rate has stabilized over the past two weeks after climbing into the moderate transmission range in late September. There are still a number of individuals in quarantine and waiting for test results, so the on-campus case rate for last week may still increase from what was reported on the October 17 COVID-19 Dashboard.
The transmission level in Hennepin and Ramsey counties is as high as it has been all fall, so ongoing vigilance to reduce the risk of transferring the virus remains important.
Recommended Action
Wearing masks and maintaining physical distance still remain the best ways to prevent catching — or spreading — COVID-19.
It is also really helpful if everyone is mindful of each person they are in close contact with (within 6 feet for more than 15 minutes). If you test positive, those are the people the Response Team will need to contact in order to support them as they monitor for symptoms, get a COVID-19 test, and remain quarantined so that they don’t spread the virus further. This includes anyone you sit near or hang out with, especially without masks, for more than a brief time period.
We have observed a number of cases this fall where individuals have become symptomatic and tested positive during their last day or two of quarantine. As a result, it is important that everyone exposed to someone with the virus quarantine for a full 14 days after exposure, as required by the Minnesota Department of Health.
Most of the spread of COVID-19 — at Augsburg and across the state — happens when people have the virus but don’t yet have symptoms. So, keep in mind whenever you choose to be in close contact with others that, if anyone in the group subsequently gets symptoms and and tests positive, the result will be a 14-day quarantine for everyone else in proximity. Wearing masks and maintaining physical distance can obviate the need for the 14-day quarantine.