- Water cleanup is underway in Oren Gateway Center. There were water issues in Oren Gateway on Wednesday caused by a clogged kitchen sink overflowing into a residence hall room located on the second floor. Water damage also was sustained in the OGC 114 classroom and offices in OGC 115. The drain has been repaired.
- Access into Oren Gateway Center from street-level doors and the parking garage was not available for several hours Tuesday due to a power supply failure in the fob reader, which caused the doors to remain locked. Accessibility paddle access also was not functioning during this time. A new power supply unit was ordered and installed by early afternoon and the issues were resolved.
- The Hagfors 301 classroom is experiencing a minor leak from the fourth floor and repairs are in process.
- The Urness water heater work was completed this week. Students were alerted in advance about a water shut down to make the repairs. A new temperature controller was ordered and received. If this issue happens again we have the part on hand to replace it.
As previously noted:
- Two lights in front of Sverdrup will be removed in spring and an LED light will be mounted above the entrance after the ground thaws.
- The final phase of mechanical HVAC work at Christensen Center continues.