Preparing for Winter, Tree Plantings, and Athletic Dome
To prepare for winter, Facilities staff are holding a logistics meeting with student workers to plan efficient snow removal. The grounds crew has been putting new brushes on snow removal equipment and has ordered pallets of salt and snow shovels. When the snow arrives, we employ our maintenance operators, custodians, and student workers to move snow from building entrances, parking lots, and sidewalks by early morning so students, faculty, and staff can get to and around campus. Finally, in preparation for winter, the maintenance team also is winterizing air conditioner coils in campus buildings.
Five crabapple trees will be planted Monday and Tuesday along the south side of Seventh Street. Trees will then line both sides of this important corridor that connects the entrance to Foss with the front doors of the Hagfors Center.
The Augsburg University Air Structure (known to most as the Augsburg Dome) went up on Sunday, November 10. About 35 campus and community groups schedule the space each year. Find out more.