Athletics Dome, Tree Plantings, and Steam and Cooling Tower Maintenance
The Augsburg University Air Structure (known to most as the Augsburg Dome) is going up November 9 and 10. About 35 campus and community groups schedule the space each year.
Five crabapple trees will be planted along the south side of Seventh Street. Trees will then line both sides of this important corridor that connects the entrance to Foss with the front doors of the Hagfors Center. The timing is to be determined.
The annual underground inspection of steam mechanical vaults will start on Fairview’s property north of Riverside Avenue and end on the sidewalk of 22nd Avenue east of Memorial. This work starts Tuesday, November 5 and could go into Wednesday, November 6. Barricades will be put up that may briefly block sidewalk traffic on campus and a safety worker will route pedestrians around the barricades. The work will not impact street traffic on campus.
Maintenance will be draining three cooling towers as part of the transition to winter. One is on the roof of Christiansen Center. Another is outside Foss. The third is on the west side of Lindell Library.