- The semi-annual fire alarm system testing will be Monday, December 23. The fire alarm company makes sure fire alarms are working. This testing will not sound the alarms. If you hear a fire alarm, please evacuate.
- No water will be available from 6:30 a.m. to 9:30 a.m. Thursday, December 26 in Si Melby and Kennedy Center due to a City of Minneapolis water meter change out.
- Drywall was repaired this week in Anderson Residence Hall after a sprinkler line burst on the third floor froze and burst recently.
- No other update will be made until early January.
As previously noted:
- Throughout the winter, maintenance is doing daily building rounds and adjustments to our energy management system in order to maintain heat.
- A steam valve in Urness will be repaired as soon as the part is available to ensure heat and hot water. Residence Life plans to notify residents when the work is scheduled as hot water will be unavailable during the repair.
- The heating system in Christensen Center will undergo a mechanical/HVAC update in January. Until then, the second floor may be cooler when outdoor temperatures are below zero.