Discrimination and Bias Reporting

Augsburg faculty, staff, students, and community members can use the Discrimination and Bias Incident Online Reporting Form to report incidents of discrimination and/or bias.

Report a Discrimination & Bias Incident


What happens when a Discrimination and Bias-Incident Online Reporting Form is submitted?

The form is received by the Vice President for Equity and Inclusion & LGBTQIA+ Student Services Director. They will consult and determine next steps.

If a name is shared on the form (optional), either the Vice President for Equity and Inclusion or LGBTQIA+ Student Services Director will contact that individual directly and promptly. They will talk with the individual about the incident and discuss options. In addition, they will provide information regarding resources and support.

If a name is not shared on the form, the Vice President for Equity and Inclusion & LGBTQIA+ Student Services Director will determine next steps based upon the information provided. (Please note that anonymous information provides perspective regarding a situation and allows the University to record statistics regarding incidents; however, depending on the details provided, anonymous information may not enable any direct action.)


Other ways to report a discrimination and/or bias-incident include the following:

  • Individuals may go directly to the offices of the Vice President for Equity and Inclusion or LGBTQIA+ Student Services Director to meet in-person.
  • Individuals may call the Vice President for Equity and Inclusion or LGBTQIA+ Student Services Director directly.
  • Individuals may email the Vice President for Equity and Inclusion or LGBTQIA+ Student Services Director directly.


  • Individuals may use any of the reporting options above to report incidents that are witnessed (even if that individual was not directly involved in said incident) and/or on behalf of another person.
  • Individuals are encouraged to refer colleagues or classmates to report incidents of discrimination and/or bias using any of the reporting options outlined above.


Joanne K. Reeck, M.A.
Vice President for Equity and Inclusion
ADA/504 Compliance Officer
Oyaté Commons – Christensen Center, Suit 2