Campus Cupboard

Free Food for Auggies!

Please Visit the Campus Kitchen Website for More Updated Information about the Campus Cupboard.

About the Campus Cupboard:

The Augsburg University food shelf, Campus Cupboard, provides free food to the Augsburg community. The Campus Cupboard is just one piece of Augsburg’s Campus Kitchen program- Click here to learn about Campus Kitchen’s other work.

Campus Cupboard and Campus Kitchen are housed within the Sabo Center for Democracy and Citizenship, our campus community and civic engagement office. There are lots of ways to get involved with our work.

Campus Cupboard In-Person Shopping:

The Campus Cupboard (Basement of Anderson Residence Hall, room 26) is open to all members of the Augsburg community. The most accessible entrance is the 2016 S. 8th St entrance.

Winter Break shopping hours:

Tue: 1-4pm
Wed: 1-4pm
Thurs: 1-4pm

We are closed on 12/24, 12/25, 12/26, 12/31, 1/1

If these hours don’t work for you, submit a request for a Cupboard appointment at another time or a box for pick up (non-perishable items)!

SNAP Benefits:

You might be eligible for SNAP benefits (funds for groceries from the government!) Fill out this quick survey to learn more.

Check out our SNAP FAQ for more info, or email Food Justice Program Associate Moe ( with questions.

For more free food resources, check out this guide made by student leaders on the Campus Kitchen team.

Cooking at the Food Lab:

Campus Kitchen hosts cooking workshops in the Food Lab (Hagfors 108) almost every week. Email to get added to the Food Lab email list and learn about upcoming events.


Campus Cupboard gladly accepts monetary donations. To support us during this time, donate through Augsburg’s general donation page. Make sure to designate your donation to Other>Campus Kitchen. 

We also accept nonperishable food donations. Please bring donations to our donation bin outside of the Cupboard (Anderson 26).

We accept the following:

  • Ramen (all flavors)
  • Pasta
  • Rice
  • Single serve mac and cheese (cups)
  • Personal care items (e.g. lotion, shampoo, mouthwash, toothpaste)
  • Oils (olive oil, vegetable oil, etc)
  • Trail mix
  • Spices
  • Snacks (e.g. Goldfish, granola bars)
  • Paper grocery bags


The Campus Cupboard, which opened in February 2013, is the work of partnership between faculty, staff, and students who originally came together as part of the Fighting Poverty at Augsburg special interest group and the Creating an Inclusive Campus conference. The food shelf is run by Campus Kitchen.


Learning how to cook on a budget is simple but takes some time. Students from a Religion 200 class created a cookbook that utilizes some of the items that you can often find inside the food shelf.