FAQ Pages

Posted on Categories Tips, Videos

FAQ pages can be really useful. Here are some tips to make them all they can be.

Make the page easy to scan

Each question should be a heading (heading 2, heading 3) so that when your eye scans down the page, you can clearly see where each chunk of information (a question and its answer) is.

Use short headlines instead of questions

The “question” part of FAQ can cause problems. You need to know the right question to ask–the question your audience is asking. The format of the question means that you have to start out with “How do I” or “When should” or some other words a person has to read before they see the topic of the question. Consider using short headlines instead of questions so that your page is easier to scan, making it easier for your visitors to find what they need. Consider how much more time it takes, and how much more frustrating it can be, to look through a list of questions rather than a list of topics. Which list is easier to scan?

Question Topic
What is the cost? Cost
When is my payment due? Payment Due Date
How do I apply for a scholarship? Scholarships
Are there discounts available Discounts
How do you ensure campus safety and who will be with my child? Safety
What is the schedule? Schedule

Page Jumps / Anchor Links

You may want to create a list of links at the top of your FAQ that jump the user down to that topic. If so, read my post about creating page jump links.